Cases Communautaires in Senegal

Supported by “The Friends of Senegal-Bruges”

A "community hut" is an enclosure where education is primarily given to the numerous toddlers and pre-schoolers in the villages of Senegal. Pre-primary education is not organized by the state in remote villages. This means that some villages organize a provisional classroom in straw to take care of the toddlers and pre-schoolers before the first grade. In the rainy season these straw constructions are always damaged by rain, and do not offer protection against snakes and scorpions. That is why we, as "friends of Senegal-Bruges", are converting these huts into solid stone buildings. We also provide the school furniture, the didactic material and the support of the teacher.

Mothers are also involved in the development of the hut. For example, they provide meals together and some help in the classroom. It is also the intention that training is given to the mothers on matters of hygiene, healthy food and education. The village community and the village council are strongly involved in the development of the project. The new hut is therefore supported by the village community and, in addition to the care of toddlers and pre-schoolers, also has a broader educational and social function.

In the development of these "community huts", we work as "Friends of Senegal-Bruges" together with our partner on site, namely Madame Sène, who is the driving force behind these huts, and guarantees a continuous sound pedagogical follow-up.

Friends of Senegal-Bruges - Zandstraat 8 - 8200 Bruges